Treating Crossbites for a Healthy Smile


A crossbite is a common dental condition where the upper and lower teeth fail to meet properly. This misalignment can cause issues with biting, chewing, and even speaking. Without treatment, crossbites can lead to painful headaches, tooth decay, and facial asymmetry. Fortunately, dentists have effective options to realign the bite.

What Causes Crossbites?

Crossbites occur when some teeth sit inside or outside the normal arch. The condition has a few potential causes:

  • Genetics – some people inherit jaws that are too narrow or short.
  • Losing baby teeth too early – this can let remaining teeth shift out of position.
  • Thumb-sucking or pacifier habits – constant pressure pushes teeth the wrong way.
  • Tongue thrusting – using the tongue incorrectly when swallowing.

Signs of a Crossbite

Watch for these clues that your bite alignment needs help:

  • Upper and lower teeth fail to meet cleanly.
  • Biting the cheek or palate by accident.
  • Slurred or lispy speech.
  • Facial asymmetry – features look uneven.
  • Constant headaches or neck and shoulder pain.

Don’t ignore these symptoms! An untreated crossbite will usually get worse over time, leading to bone deformities, gum disease, and other issues.

Seeking Crossbite Treatment

If caught early, crossbites can often be corrected with minimal intervention. First, an orthodontist will identify the location and degree of the problem. Common solutions include:

Palatal Expanders: Custom orthodontic appliances are fixed to the upper molars to gently widen the arch. This creates space for poorly aligned teeth to shift into better position.

Tooth Extraction: Removing overcrowded teeth is sometimes necessary so neighboring teeth can align correctly.

Braces or Clear Aligners: Today’s braces are far less conspicuous than the clunky metal bands of the past. Clear aligner trays like Invisalign are also popular for mild to moderate cases. With a little help, your smile can once again fit together perfectly.

Take Action Against Crossbites

Don’t resign yourself to a compromised smile! Crossbite treatment tailored to your needs can help you regain full dental function. Contact your dentist right away if you spot any worrisome symptoms. The doctors at Kirkland Family Dentistry offer personalized solutions to transform your smile.

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